A Little About LiveO2 imitations
Hypoxic Setting
Wide range of adjustability from mild to extreme
No hypoxic feature or limited adjustability
Mask Design
Larger Airflow diameter, easy to clean custom T-valve design.
Smaller Airflow diameter, closed valve difficult to clean.
Outflow Pressure
NEVER pressure. Natural open air outflow.
Ill-advised Outflow Pressure “feature.”
Upgrade to Altitude
90-Day exchange, Adaptive Contrast streamlined quick-switch.
Add-ons available, imitation feature, cumbersome 3rd party lever hardware.
Best Value Guarantee. Industry leading design and innovation.
Packages, hardware and materials not comparable.

About Adaptive Contrast

  • What is the performance result from training with Altitude/Adaptive Contrast versus Oxygen-only, EWOT, training?
  • Why is Adaptive Contrast is superior to oxygen-only, EWOT, training for performance?
  • Ask why Adaptive Contrast is superior to Oxygen-only training for health recovery?
  • How much strength does it take to switch between high and low oxygen air?
  • How do I attach your Adaptive Contrast feature to my exercise equipment?
  • Who developed the protocols you recommend for your Adaptive Contrast training?

About Oxygen Only EWOT Trainers

  • Why is oxygen-only training good for me?
  • What are the limitations of oxygen only training systems?
  • How do you inspect the inside of your reservoir for mold or mildew?
  • If they offer Adaptive Contrast upgrade ask how you will attach the upgradeable Adaptive Contrast valve on my exercise equipment?

About any System

  • How much training and support will I receive with my system?
  • How will you train my staff?
  • Can you provide onsite training?
  • How do you support your protocols?
  • How do you inspect the inside of your reservoir for mold or mildew?
  • What is your return policy? How does your ozone cleaning system remove dried saliva and mucus between users?
  • Why is your system more expensive than LiveO2? How are your masks better than LiveO2 masks?
  • LiveO2 Doesn’t have Outflow Pressure. Misleading – LiveO2 is cleanly designed not to long hoses that connect to a pond valve. See About Positive Pressure.
  • LiveO2 doesn’t have Adjustable Flow. Misleading – LiveO2 doesn’t need positive pressure to push air through long hoses that connect to a pond valve. See Neutral Airflow
  • LiveO2 oxygen delivery tubes are compromised. Misleading – Imitators have claimed for the last year they use silicone but shipped systems using PVC knowing that most customers won’t know the difference. Before you buy – be sure their descriptions are accurate. LiveO2 has exclusively used silicone for the past 8 years. See LiveO2 Clean Experience
  • LiveO2 is not upgradeable. False – our exchange policy enables our LiveO2 standard customers to upgrade to a properly engineered LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast system in the first 90 days without having to tolerate a poorly engineered product. See Upgradeable Reservoirs
    LiveO2 lacks Adjustable Air Purity. False – LiveO2 low oxygen air is adjustable. LiveO2 adheres to established safe oxygen levels. See Adjustable Outflow Purity
  • LiveO2 reservoirs leak oxygen because they are sewn . Misleading – Sewn construction prevents overinflation but does not affect fill times. Ask the imitator how much faster the imitation reservoir fills than a LiveO2 reservoir? About LiveO2 Reservoirs
  • Imitation reservoirs are cleaner than LiveO2. Misleading – All plastics release gasses from chemicals used for manufacture. Contradicted statement should be viewed with scrutiny – or subjected to the sniff test. See About LiveO2 Reservoirs
  • LiveO2 will be damaged by overinflation because it does not have a relief valve. Misleading – LiveO2 does not need a relief valve because the construction prevents over-inflation. See Reservoir Design
  • LiveO2 fails to provide desirable colors. Misleading – LiveO2 is white to enable users to see cleanness. Dark colors hide mold, mildew and dirt. See Reservoir Design
  • Pulse Oximeters. Not misleading.
  • LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast does not have adjustable low-oxygen mixtures. False – Our low oxygen mixtures adjust from ambient to 14% oxygen. See Variable Low Oxygen Air
  • LiveO2 has fewer mask options. False – LiveO2 has a superior premium mask options than imitators with less airflow obstruction. LiveO2 users usually prefer the LiveO2 Standard mask because it is easy to put on and works best for multiple users. See About Masks.
  • LiveO2 has fewer mask sizes. Misleading – LiveO2 has four premium mask sizes and two regular mask sizes available, small child mask available on request. See About Masks
  • LiveO2 does not include a Mask Cleaning System. Misleading – imitators assert that ozone will remove dried saliva. We urge LiveO2 users to allocate an affordable mask to each user for hygiene. See About Cleaning Masks
  • LiveO2 lacks an oxygen hose strap. Misleading – LiveO2 uses a single hose so it doesn’t need a hose suspension system. Imitators need straps because their product uses multiple hoses that are usually in the way. See About Upgradeable Reservoirs
  • LiveO2 lacks a suspension system. Misleading – LiveO2 customers often choose to hang their reservoir from the ceiling so we include hanger system choices. See Hanger Options
  • LiveO2 Lacks Connectivity for Multiple Generators. False – LiveO2 systems have a fill rate option that determines how many connected air separators are included. Select Fill rate single user and dual user systems
  • Warranty – not misleading except LiveO2 accepts returns with restocking fee. See Return Policy
  • Imitators would like you to believe support and training are unimportant. Misleading – The physiology of LiveO2 is profound. LiveO2 invented Adaptive Contrast and high capacity reservoirs over the last decade. The experience we gained in our decade of effort has taught us many things that newbie imitators simply do not know. If you are serious about either performance or health – there is no substitute for LiveO2 experience. See LiveO2 Professional Training
About Masks

Our masks are superior quality and provide the highest airflow options. Imitators often misrepresent LiveO2’s mask systems to confuse shoppers.

Standard vs Premium Masks in a Nutshell
Multi-user EnvironmentsYesExpensivePersonal Item for each person
Demo EnvironmentsYesNo – Difficult to sterilize between users in demo. Expensive to have enough masks.Standard mask preferable
Weak BreathersBeneficialIdeal – Zero to high resistance to increase strengthAirflow resistance strengthens respiratory muscles
Users with injured lungsBeneficialNeutralPartial pressure swing in lungs improves CO2 and O2 transfer during inhalation and exhalation.
Large & Small FacesAcceptableIdeal – 4 sizes securely fit all usersStandard is usable 95% of the time
Aggressive AthletesAcceptableIdeal with optional airflow resistance inserts

The Standard Mask has a 3/4 inch diameter inflow port which enables most users to inhale without noticeable airflow resistance at rest.

The standard mask is appropriate for all levels of fitness and fits most faces.

Mask inner body with neoprene headgear.
Premium Mask
The premium mask kit is designed for an ultimate breathing experience. This system provides minimum and adjustable air flow resistance.
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Ultra-high volume flow valve
LiveO2 Headgear with Mask
Kayla Young, Live O2 mask
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Outflow / Positive Pressure

Imitations assert that positive pressure is intended to make breathing easier. This misrepresents the science of breathing – see below.

Positive pressure is a performance reducing gimmick to compensate for high airflow resistance from lengthy hoses and repurposed valves.

Confirm that imitations will mount safely and securely on your exercise equipment before purchase.

Vacuum and pressure while breathing.
LiveO2 adopted a neutral airflow pressure design because airflow resistance is part of effective breathing…
Diagram of the alveolus in the lungs showing gaseous exchange. Pressure enables gas exchange from the blood.

Nature uses vacuum during inhale to pull CO2 out of your blood, and pressure during exhale to push O2 into your blood.

These pressures are the force that moves gasses across the alveolar membrane in the lungs.

Mild airflow resistance exercises breathing muscles to make LiveO2 users stronger breathers over time

Positive pressure reduces breathing efficiency…
Woman using positive pressure breathing device
Adjustable Outflow Purity
LiveO2’s Adaptive Contrast, with its patented intermittent hypoxia technology, is crucial for maximizing the system’s benefits. Unlike many competitors who offer only EWOT (oxygen-only) systems, LiveO2 provides a dynamic shift between high and low oxygen levels. This unique feature is key to our system’s effectiveness. Competitors might downplay the need for intermittent hypoxia, but such claims are at best misinformed, and at worst, misleading. Our patented approach ensures a superior and more comprehensive oxygen training experience.
LiveO2 System Standard AC ACX Extreme
Adaptive Contrast
Low 02 Adjustability
For athletes
Altitude Simulation
Do you really want an imitation?

Do you trust anyone that offers a product that enables you, your family or your customers to pass out during use?

Our imitators combine 8.1% oxygen with hard to switch Banjo Pond Valve to switch air supply.

The yellow lever is hard to turn and nearly impossible to securely mount the on exercise equipment. Imagine turning this valve while you are about to pass out…

Why LiveO2?
Get Started Now

Chat Now or book a free 30 minute call with a LiveO2 team member and we`ll be happy to give you more information about how our systems can help you achieve your health optimization goals.

EWOT vs Adaptive Contrast

LiveO2 invented Oxygen-only Reservoir…

LiveO2 Standard is the original oxygen training reservoir. It is competitively priced and sold as a reservoir only system.

We urge customers to explore our Adaptive Contrast systems these system are far more effective and customer get much better results. 

This is why we strongly promote Adaptive Contrast over LiveO2 Standard.

LiveO2 original oxygen reservoir system.
EWOT is outdated. Don’t buy an oxygen-only or EWOT system before you understand why Adaptive Contrast is better…
Imitators hide the LiveO2 secret. Oxygen-only systems perform less because oxygen is a vasoconstrictor…

Imitators hide the LiveO2 secret. Oxygen-only systems perform less because oxygen is a vasoconstrictor…
A vasoconstrictor reduces blood flow by narrowing the diameter of the vascular system. This effect has been known for about 100 years.

Imitators who say Adaptive Contrast is unnecessary for maximum oxygenation do not understand oxygen training or are misleading you.

This medical reference explains that oxygen rich breathing mixtures reduce blood flow volume to the heart by 29% Blood flow is reduced to all organs.

This is why oxygen-only systems perform poorly compared to Adaptive Contrast.

We have known that oxygen reduces blood flow for over 100 years.

Why is Adaptive Contrast Better?

Adaptive Contrast surpasses traditional EWOT by introducing a low oxygen setting alongside high oxygen setting. This dual approach stimulates a more profound physiological response, enhancing the body’s ability to utilize oxygen efficiently.

This dynamic method offer the perfect challenge to your body and superior oxygen delivery over outdated EWOT(oxygen only) systems.

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Adaptive Contrast outperforms oxygen-only systems because…
Adaptive Contrast in a Nutshell…
Adaptive Contrast vs Oxygen Only
Oxygen OnlyAdaptive Contrast
Anaerobic Training:NoOptimal
Aerobic Conditioning:MinimumOptimal
O2 Tissue PenetrationModerateOptimal
Circulating Volume:Restricted FlowMaximum Flow
Workout Length:Max 15 MinIndefinite
Hypoxic Training:NoYes
Max Users Per Day:8 Users19 Users
Premium TrainingNot IncludedIncluded
Usage Guides Possible:First Time
Respiratory Recovery
Immune O2
First time
Respiratory Recovery
Immune O2
Brain O2
Altitude Conditioning
Fatigue O2
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LiveO2 is the Best Product at the Best Price
Our Products
Reservior Construction

Fill Time is determined by the air separator. The 900 liter reservoir fills completely in about 90 minutes from a 10 LPM generator.

The white reservoir assures cleanness inside and out. A zippered port enables cleaning, inspection and prevents over-inflation.

LiveO2 reservoirs hold oxygen for hours with an ultra-thin membrane.

No other brand in the world has gone to the lengths we have to ensure you are getting the safest, most effective and highest quality products and materials in the world.

LiveO2 delivers a pure and clean experience…
Don’t be fooled when imitators use terms like FDA approved and medical grade…

These classifications do not indicate the physical reality that the air contained in any reservoir is exposed to over 70 square feet of an oxygen barrier.

LiveO2 learned that only way to have pure air is to:

Food and medical grade plastics testing specifications do not measure Volatile Organic Compounds or odor.

Users know LiveO2 is clean with every breath.

About Upgradeable Reservoirs

LiveO2 does not offer upgradeable reservoirs because we are committed to a safe, diverse and uncluttered workout experience.

LiveO2 Standard customers who decide to upgrade to Adaptive Contrast in the first 90 days can exchange their reservoir for full purchase credit.

Our policy protects LiveO2 customers dangling excess hoses and clunky valves – and assures they discover the upside of Adaptive Contrast before it’s too late.

LiveO2 with Adaptive Contrast uses a single hose design. No clutter ever. Maximum freedom with workout equipment
Compare the LiveO2 switch to an imitation valve.
Play Video

13 seconds with LiveO2 switch. US Patent 2019010126096 A1 prohibits imitators from duplication for 17 years.

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1:56 min. Assembly and attachment difficulty.

Things to consider before you purchase an imitation…
  1. How will the valve body securely to the exercise equipment?
  2. Will the attachment secure enough tolerate the torque of changing the valve position?
  3. Is the mounting position accessible during exercise?
  4. Will hoses interfere with operation of exercise equipment?
  5. Do hoses remain attached when valve position changes?
  6. Is it possible to easily share valve between exercise equipment like in a sauna or alternative exercise equipment?
Don’t be misled by upgradeable reservoirs that are cumbersome and incompatible with most workout equipment…
  1. Incompatible with most workout equipment where the hands move during exercise, like assault bikes, rebounders and etc.
  2. Rely on external valves that are difficult or impossible to mount on most exercise equipment.
  3. Use extra hoses that are unsightly and always in the way, create safety and usability issues
  4. Tie users to a single piece of exercise equipment because it is very difficult to move the valve.
Professional Training and Support

This is feedback from our Level-1 user training sessions.

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Live O2


Learn More

Mask Design

Larger Airflow diameter, easy to clean custom T-valve design.

Smaller Airflow diameter, closed valve difficult to clean.

Outflow Pressure

NEVER pressure. Natural open air outflow.

Ill-advised Outflow Pressure “feature.”

Adjustable Altitude

Fine tuned for results, optimized for user safety.

Hazardous extremes.

Upgrade to Altitude

90-Day exchange, Adaptive Contrast streamlined quick-switch.

Add-ons available, imitation feature, cumbersome 3rd party lever hardware.


Best Value Guarantee. Industry leading design and innovation.

Packages, hardware and materials not comparable.

A few questions to ask LiveO2 imitators…

About Adaptive Contrast

  • What is the performance result from training with Altitude/Adaptive Contrast versus Oxygen-only, EWOT, training?
  • Why is Adaptive Contrast is superior to oxygen-only, EWOT, training for performance?
  • Ask why Adaptive Contrast is superior to Oxygen-only training for health recovery?
  • How much strength does it take to switch between high and low oxygen air?
  • How do I attach your Adaptive Contrast feature to my exercise equipment?
  • Who developed the protocols you recommend for your Adaptive Contrast training?

About Oxygen Only EWOT Trainers

  • Why is oxygen-only training good for me?
  • What are the limitations of oxygen only training systems?
  • How do you inspect the inside of your reservoir for mold or mildew?
  • If they offer Adaptive Contrast upgrade ask how you will attach the upgradeable Adaptive Contrast valve on my exercise equipment?

About any System

  • How much training and support will I receive with my system?
  • How will you train my staff?
  • Can you provide onsite training?
  • How do you support your protocols?
  • How do you inspect the inside of your reservoir for mold or mildew?
  • What is your return policy?
  • How does your ozone cleaning system remove dried saliva and mucus between users?
  • Why is your system more expensive than LiveO2?
  • How are your masks better than LiveO2 masks?

A few things imitators may say about LiveO2 to mislead you…

  • LiveO2 Doesn’t have Outflow Pressure. Misleading – LiveO2 is cleanly designed not to long hoses that connect to a pond valve. See About Positive Pressure.
  • LiveO2 doesn’t have Adjustable Flow. Misleading – LiveO2 doesn’t need positive pressure to push air through long hoses that connect to a pond valve. See Neutral Airflow
  • LiveO2 oxygen delivery tubes are compromised. Misleading – Imitators have claimed for the last year they use silicone but shipped systems using PVC knowing that most customers won’t know the difference. Before you buy – be sure their descriptions are accurate. LiveO2 has exclusively used silicone for the past 8 years. See LiveO2 Clean Experience
  • LiveO2 is not upgradeable. False – our exchange policy enables our LiveO2 standard customers to upgrade to a properly engineered LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast system in the first 90 days without having to tolerate a poorly engineered product. See Upgradeable Reservoirs
  • LiveO2 lacks Adjustable Air Purity. False – LiveO2 low oxygen air is adjustable. LiveO2 adheres to established safe oxygen levels. See Adjustable Outflow Purity
  • LiveO2 reservoirs leak oxygen because they are sewn . Misleading – Sewn construction prevents overinflation but does not affect fill times. Ask the imitator how much faster the imitation reservoir fills than a LiveO2 reservoir? About LiveO2 Reservoirs
  • Imitation reservoirs are cleaner than LiveO2. Misleading– All plastics release gasses from chemicals used for manufacture. Contradicted statement should be viewed with scrutiny – or subjected to the sniff test. See About LiveO2 Reservoirs
  • LiveO2 will be damaged by overinflation because it does not have a relief valve. Misleading – LiveO2 does not need a relief valve because the construction prevents over-inflation. See Reservoir Design
  • LiveO2 fails to provide desirable colors. Misleading – LiveO2 is white to enable users to see cleanness. Dark colors hide mold, mildew and dirt. See Reservoir Design
  • Pulse Oximeters. Not misleading.
  • LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast does not have adjustable low-oxygen mixtures. False – Our low oxygen mixtures adjust from ambient to 14% oxygen. See Variable Low Oxygen Air
  • LiveO2 has fewer mask options. False – LiveO2 has a superior premium mask options than imitators with less airflow obstruction. LiveO2 users usually prefer the LiveO2 Standard mask because it is easy to put on and works best for multiple users. See About Masks
  • LiveO2 has fewer mask sizes. Misleading – LiveO2 has four premium mask sizes and two regular mask sizes available, small child mask available on request. See About Masks
  • LiveO2 does not include a Mask Cleaning System. Misleading – imitators assert that ozone will remove dried saliva. We urge LiveO2 users to allocate an affordable mask to each user for hygiene. See About Cleaning Masks
  • LiveO2 lacks an oxygen hose strap. Misleading – LiveO2 uses a single hose so it doesn’t need a hose suspension system. Imitators need straps because their product uses multiple hoses that are usually in the way. See About Upgradeable Reservoirs
  • LiveO2 lacks a suspension system. Misleading – LiveO2 customers often choose to hang their reservoir from the ceiling so we include hanger system choices. See Hanger Options
  • LiveO2 Lacks Connectivity for Multiple Generators. False– LiveO2 systems have a fill rate option that determines how many connected air separators are included. Select Fill rate single user and dual user systems
  • Warranty – not misleading except LiveO2 accepts returns with restocking fee. See Return Policy
  • Imitators would like you to believe support and training are unimportant. Misleading – The physiology of LiveO2 is profound. LiveO2 invented Adaptive Contrast and high capacity reservoirs over the last decade. The experience we gained in our decade of effort has taught us many things that newbie imitators simply do not know. If you are serious about either performance or health – there is no substitute for LiveO2 experience. See LiveO2 Professional Training

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About Masks

Our masks are superior quality and provide the highest airflow options. Imitators often misrepresent LiveO2 mask systems to confuse shoppers.

premium liveo2 ewot maskwomen with mask

LiveO2 Masks in a Nutshell…

Standard vs Premium Masks in a Nutshell


Multi-user EnvironmentsYesExpensivePersonal Item for each person
Demo EnvironmentsYesNo – Difficult to sterilize between users in demo. Expensive to have enough masks.Standard mask preferable
Weak BreathersBeneficialIdeal – Zero to high resistance to increase strengthAirflow resistance strengthens respiratory muscles
Users with injured lungsBeneficialNeutralPartial pressure swing in lungs improves CO2 and O2 transfer during inhalation and exhalation.
Large & Small FacesAcceptableIdeal – 4 sizes securely fit all usersStandard is usable 95% of the time
Aggressive AthletesAcceptableIdeal with optional airflow resistance inserts

Standard Mask Kit…

The Standard Mask has a 3/4 inch diameter inflow port which enables most users to inhale without noticeable airflow resistance at rest.

The standard mask is appropriate for all levels of fitness and fits most faces.

Mask inner body with neoprene headgear.

  • Affordable
  • Supports Demo environments – Impractical to clean between use
  • Supports home environments with extra masks for family & friends
  • Supports gym & clinics where each user has their own mask
  • Masks are a resale consumable

Premium Mask Kit…

Premium Mask

The premium mask kit is designed for an ultimate breathing experience. This system provides minimum and adjustable air flow resistance.

Premium MaskVideo Presentation

About Cleaning Masks…

  • Cleaning masks is always necessary. Saliva from previous user must be removed.
  • Misrepresenting sterilization equipment as cleaning equipment is deceptive.

Outflow / Positive Pressure

Imitations assert that positive pressure is intended to make breathing easier. This misrepresents the science of breathing – see below.

Positive pressure is a performance reducing gimmick to compensate for high airflow resistance from lengthy hoses and repurposed valves.

Confirm that imitations will mount safely and securely on your exercise equipment before purchase.

Vacuum and pressure while breathing.

Chest cavity expands to create a vacuum during inhale, and compresses to create pressure for exhale.

LiveO2 adopted a neutral airflow pressure design because airflow resistance is part of effective breathing…

  • Why did nature make your nose smaller than your mouth?
  • Why do you breathe through your nose?

Nature uses vacuum during inhale to pull CO2 out of your blood, and pressure during exhale to push O2 into your blood.

These pressures are the force that moves gasses across the alveolar membrane in the lungs.

Mild airflow resistance exercises breathing muscles to make LiveO2 users stronger breathers over time

Diagram of the alveolus in the lungs showing gaseous exchange. Pressure enables gas exchange from the blood.

Positive pressure reduces breathing efficiency…

  • Positive pressure (from competitors) inhibit CO2 extraction from the blood during inhalation – so this feature reduces breathing effect
  • Positive pressure may cause devices to be classified as medically regulated breathing assistance device
  • Imitations use positive pressure to overcome air-flow resistance from long hoses

Woman using positive pressure breathing device

CPAP is an example of a medical device that uses positive pressure to help a person breathe. Any device that forces gas into the lungs may be a medically regulated breathing assistance device.

Adjustable Outflow Purity

Our imitators represent their products as capable simulating an altitude of 25,000 feet, or 8.1% oxygen levels.

They apparently don’t know that most humans will pass out when exercising with air with less than about 10% oxygen.

Breathing oxygen deficient air can be harmful

Do you really want an imitation?

Do you trust anyone that offers a product that enables you, your family or your customers to pass out during use?

Our imitators combine 8.1% oxygen with hard to switch Banjo Pond Valve to switch air supply.

The yellow lever is hard to turn and nearly impossible to securely mount the on exercise equipment. Imagine turning this valve while you are about to pass out…

Why LiveO2?

  • Safe Minimum Oxygen Level – LiveO2 low oxygen mixture is proven safe for over 60 years in the aviation and with thousands of LiveO2 users over the last decade.
  • Variable Low Oxygen Air – Users can ramp their hypoxic level from 21% (room air) down to 14% (minimum safe oxygen level) as they gain confidence.
  • Easy Switching – LiveO2 snaps between air mixtures in a fraction of a second with no air-flow shut off.
  • Easy Mounting – LiveO2 easily attaches to any exercise equipment or you can hold the control. Compatible with assault bikes and rebounders.

Oxygen Only vs Adaptive Contrast Performance

LiveO2 invented Oxygen-only Reservoir…

LiveO2 Standard is the standard oxygen training reservoir. It is competitively priced and sold as a reservoir only system.

We urge customers to explore Adaptive Contrast because it is very superior to oxygen-only training. We know the biggest investment our users make is the time they spend exercising.

This is why we strongly promote Adaptive Contrast over LiveO2 Standard.

Standard System

LiveO2 original oxygen reservoir system.

EWOT is outdated. Don’t buy an oxygen-only or EWOT system before you understand why Adaptive Contrast is better…

  • Oxygen-only system users work out twice as long for maximum effect
  • Oxygen-only systems deliver less athletic training effect
  • Oxygen-only users reach a plateau in a few weeks
  • Oxygen-only users achieve less improvement in brain function
  • Oxygen-only users achieve less profound metabolic benefits
  • Oxygen-only users usually abandon training from boredom

Imitators hide the LiveO2 secret. Oxygen-only systems perform less because oxygen is a vasoconstrictor…

A vasoconstrictor reduces blood flow by narrowing the diameter of the vascular system. This effect has been known for about 100 years.

Imitators who say Adaptive Contrast is unnecessary for maximum oxygenation do not understand oxygen training or are misleading you.

This medical reference explains that oxygen rich breathing mixtures reduce blood flow volume to the heart by 29% Blood flow is reduced to all organs.

This is why oxygen-only systems perform poorly compared to Adaptive Contrast.

We have known that oxygen reduces blood flow for over 100 years.

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Why is Adaptive Contrast Better?

Adaptive Contrast uses low-oxygen air to prime your body for oxygen. This effect prevents the oxygen-vasoconstrictor effect from restricting blood flow to tissue.

Adaptive Contrast outperforms oxygen-only systems several-fold. Don’t take our word for it. Dr. Lou Trovato is a long-time LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast user who decided to install LiveO2 Standard in his office. Here is his story…

Adaptive Contrast outperforms oxygen-only systems because…

  • Low oxygen tricks your body to maximize blood flow
  • Instant switch floods your body with oxygen during maximum blood flow
  • Simultaneous maximum of blood flow volume and blood oxygen concentration
  • Impossible by any other known method
  • Works regardless of physical conditioning
  • Every customer who trains for performance needs Adaptive Contrast
  • Every customer who is physically challenged needs Adaptive Contrast

Adaptive Contrast in a Nutshell…

Adaptive Contrast vs Oxygen Only


Oxygen OnlyAdaptive ContrastAnaerobic Training:NoOptimalAerobic Conditioning:MinimumOptimalO2 Tissue PenetrationModerateOptimalCirculating Volume:Restricted FlowMaximum FlowWorkout Length:Max 15 MinIndefiniteHypoxic Training:NoYesMax Users Per Day:8 Users19 UsersPremium TrainingNot IncludedIncludedUsage Guides Possible:First TimeRespiratory RecoveryImmune O2First timeRespiratory RecoveryImmune O2Brain O2Altitude ConditioningFatigue O2


LiveO2 is the Best Product at the Best Price

Adaptive Contrast SystemStandard System

Reservoir Construction

LiveO2 delivers a pure and clean experience…

  • LiveO2 is manufactured with the thinnest possible layer of plastic to assure oxygen purity and minimize ALL chemicals. We rejected materials which could be radio-welded because they required thicker plastic to create a secure weld.
  • LiveO2’s stitched reservoir allows chemicals to escape. This means that LiveO2 reservoirs have virtually NO odor – ever. This means LiveO2 users breathe cleanest air always.
  • LiveO2 reservoirs are made with a zipper (patent-pending) for inspection, rapid drainage and cleaning.
  • LiveO2 materials are tested clean less than to 3 parts per million. Most of our imitations don’t even test their materials.
  • Our design still allows for the same filling and storing times as imitations who use thicker plastics with welded seams.
  • LiveO2 reservoirs prevent over-inflation but do not leak during fill.
  • LiveO2 avoids all use of PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) for optimal air quality

Fill Time is determined by the air separator. The 900 liter reservoir fills completely in about 90 minutes from a 10 LPM generator.

The white reservoir assures cleanness inside and out. A zippered port enables cleaning, inspection and prevents over-inflation.

LiveO2 reservoirs hold oxygen for hours with an ultra-thin membrane.

No other brand in the world has gone to the lengths we have to ensure you are getting the safest, most effective and highest quality products and materials in the world.

Don’t be fooled when imitators use terms like FDA approved and medical grade…

These classifications do not indicate the physical reality that the air contained in any reservoir is exposed to over 70 square feet of an oxygen barrier.

LiveO2 learned that only way to have pure air is to:

  • Minimize the barrier material to minimize embodied plastics because of the chemicals used in any barrier will diffuse and be trapped inside the reservoir;
  • Don’t completely seal the reservoirs to allow the tiny amount of chemicals to escape – instead we added a zipper for inspection, cleaning and rapid empty

Food and medical grade plastics testing specifications do not measure Volatile Organic Compounds or odor.

Users know LiveO2 is clean with every breath.

About Upgradeable Reservoirs

LiveO2 does not offer upgradeable reservoirs because we are committed to a safe, diverse and uncluttered workout experience.

LiveO2 Standard customers who decide to upgrade to Adaptive Contrast in the first 90 days can exchange their reservoir for full purchase credit.

Our policy protects LiveO2 customers dangling excess hoses and clunky valves – and assures they discover the upside of Adaptive Contrast before it’s too late.

LiveO2 with Adaptive Contrast uses a single hose design. No clutter ever. Maximum freedom with workout equipment

Compare the LiveO2 switch to an imitation valve.

13 seconds with LiveO2 switch. US Patent 2019010126096 A1 prohibits imitators from duplication for 17 years.

1:56 min. Assembly and attachment difficulty.

Things to consider before you purchase an imitation…

  1. How will the valve body securely to the exercise equipment?
  2. Will the attachment secure enough tolerate the torque of changing the valve position?
  3. Is the mounting position accessible during exercise?
  4. Will hoses interfere with operation of exercise equipment?
  5. Do hoses remain attached when valve position changes?
  6. Is it possible to easily share valve between exercise equipment like in a sauna or alternative exercise equipment?

Don’t be misled by upgradeable reservoirs that are cumbersome and incompatible with most workout equipment…

  1. 1Incompatible with most workout equipment where the hands move during exercise, like assault bikes, rebounders and etc.
  2. 2Rely on external valves that are difficult or impossible to mount on most exercise equipment.
  3. 3Use extra hoses that are unsightly and always in the way, create safety and usability issues
  4. 4Tie users to a single piece of exercise equipment because it is very difficult to move the valve.

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Professional Training and Support

This is feedback from our Level-1 user training sessions.

Speak to an Expert
Book a free 30 minute call with a LiveO2 team member and discover the right protocol for you.

Get started Now