
The Limitations of EWOT vs. Adaptive Contrast: Why Your Body Needs More Challenge

While EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy) can boost oxygen levels during exercise, it has its limitations. One key drawback is the inability to increase your heart rate effectively when training on high oxygen levels. This can lead to plateaus, where your body stops responding to the stimulus, limiting progress over time.

LiveO2’s Adaptive Contrast, on the other hand, offers a solution. By alternating between high and low oxygen levels, it introduces a hypoxic (low oxygen) phase, which forces the body to adapt and work harder, even when the oxygen supply is reduced. This hypoxic feature challenges your cardiovascular system, increases heart rate, and prevents the plateau effect. The result? Better endurance, faster recovery, and continuous improvement.

Your body needs to be constantly challenged to reach new limits. Adaptive Contrast creates the ideal environment for this, pushing you past your previous barriers and helping you achieve more. Ready to break through?