
Energetics, Oxygen and Immunity

Immune Energetics

Did you know that body-water oxygen is the hidden key to good immunity?

Think of your white blood cells like little soldier fish in a fishbowl, swimming around fighting bugs, and breathing water.

Now think of oxygen training as a bubbler in that fishbowl.

Doesn’t it seem like the soldiers in a well oxygenated fishbowl would defend your body better?

Immune Suppression and Loading Stress

Now think about brownout areas caused by that vascular inflammation.

Each area is a a clump of cells in low energy, downstream from a bottlenecked blood supply, mostly hidden from your immune system.

So, if you were a disease, where would you hide?

“Brownout” areas create a habitat for disease, so less habitat is less disease.

Wouldn’t you and your buddies go out to play when the immune defenses got weak?

Immune Rally

Immune rally causes a fever.

Immune rally causes a fever.

Some first time oxygen training users get a fever of 102 degrees about 48 hours after their first oxygen training session.

This is an immune rally, and the fever telltales:

  1. That an increase in body-water oxygen energized the immune system and;
  2. Oxygen opened the vascular system enough to dump pathogens hiding out in “brownout” habitats;
  3. and there were enough of them to trigger a whole-body cleanup.

We also notice that that these challenged users quickly recover the rest of the way with oxygen training session.

Stress Immune Protection

Have you ever noticed that people usually get seriously ill about two months after a bad stress event?

It takes these two months for the combined loss of immune energy, and “brownouts” to brew the combination of bugs and weakened defenses that enable serious illness.

So when you’re in stress, doesn’t oxygen serve as the best defense?

And if you’re ill, doesn’t it seem like oxygen was what probably what went wrong in the first place, and the best place to start your recovery?

Fishbowl Power

Let’s imagine your body’s immune systen as an army: without oxygen, they’re grunt soldiers with only 1/19th maximum power.

Now imagine those same soldiers swimming in body-water, saturated with oxygen, so each soldier has up to 19 times more energy, like a ninja.

Which army would you prefer?

The first army would be like mob grunts attacking an infection and would probably look like an autoimmune disorder—fighting forever, but not succeeding. It would take 19 soldiers to do the same job that only one of those ninjas could do.