Altitude Conditioning Guide
These usage guide support altitude conditioning.
The usage guide to prepares your body for improved performance at high altitude. It is designed to optimize oxygen carrying capacity while at low altitude in preparation for going to high altitude. Two factors affect individuals that experience reduced capacity and illness symptoms at high altitude:
Two factors affect individuals that experience reduced capacity and illness symptoms at altitude:
The hypoxic dwell time of this guide to provokes red blood cell proliferation and conditions the body to routinely open lungs, and increase circulating blood volume. Use this guide at least two weeks before going to altitude. A month is preferable to give the body time to create new blood cells. The oxygen recovery cycles minimize vascular inflammation which is the hidden vulnerability factor altitude related symptoms. Most at-home users report total avoidance of altitude related symptoms with this guide.
Goal This usage guide flushes metabolic waste out of tissues. It facilitates healing by super-saturating all body tissues, plasma and lymph with very high levels of oxygen. Most users experience maximum lifetime oxygenation.
  • • Minimize endothelial inflammation prevent altitude symptoms
  • • Stimulate adaptive opening of bronchial tubes in lungs for improved oxygenation
  • • Generate more red blood cells via EPO adaptive response to periodic hypoxia
When Used
Prior to going to altitude
Detox Intensity
15 minutes but can progress up to 45 minutes+
Daily for 2–4 weeks prior, for preparation
Typical Response
Avoidance of altitude symptoms and enhanced physical performance at altitude.

LiveO2 Extreme System

Most visitors to high altitude have pre-existing vascular inflammation which is exacerbated by dehydration and reduced oxygen partial pressure that accompany going to high altitude. See Henry’s Law. Vulnerability to altitude related distress is governed by these two effects. After the cycle start metabolic waste from anaerobic by products accelerates the cycle creating dehydration. This guide works to prevent altitude related symptoms because it reverses vascular endothelial inflammation which increases the altitude tolerance. The guide tends to dwell at low oxygen levels with brief recoveries of oxygen. The recovery on oxygen resolves inflammation while the dwell on -O2 stimulates red blood cell production.
This altitude training method helps accelerate their body’s adjustment to perform at high altitude. Athletes who train at low altitude often experience elevated strain and difficulty when competing at high altitude. This often creates a performance advantage/disadvantage for athletes who train regularly at high altitude. These high-altitude athletes’ bodies are more efficient at tissue oxygen delivery. Likewise, high-altitude athletes have a performance advantage at low altitude because their bodies are more efficient at low altitude as well, so energy production benefits by having more air/oxygen to work with. These effects generally occur because high altitude athletes have more efficient oxygen, anaerobic, metabolism because
This guide presumes that you are at altitude and are having altitude related discomfort. Your discomfort likely reflects inflammation from hypoxia. This article describes the model as it relates to oxygen partial pressure.
If you are overly sensitive to altitude, this training, absent oxygen, can produce altitude-related symptoms. The oxygen cool-down creates an oxygen tide which repairs the altitude stress, but only after stimulating the body to prepare for high altitude.
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