
How a 77-Year-Old Ironman “Spiffs His Blood” with Adaptive Contrast™ [podcast]

Howard Glass is 77 years old and he is a beast.

He’s competed in 27 Ironman competitions and finished 17.5!

And he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

In this 30-minute podcast episode, Howard and Tom talk about training, competing and recovering with LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast.

But they get into more interesting details, too:

  • How we’ve gone from a participant society to a spectator society
  • What “spiffing the blood” means in Howard’s training sessions with Tom
  • How Howard trained to challenge himself pre-race so the air (elevation) in his upcoming Ironman wouldn’t feel challenging
  • How we can start to own the ~60,000 miles of capillaries & blood vessels we have in our bodies
  • How to expedite recovery and rid yourself of lactic acid & sore joints
  • How a 50 year old can take his/her normal ~3 day recovery time down to 15 minutes
  • What does biological age vs. energetic age mean?

Click below to listen!

Show notes:

  • Cool video about Howard’s Ironman achievements (2015)

Have questions about using AC for athletic performance?

Whether you’re 77 or 27, training with an Adaptive Contrast can give you a competitive edge. If you’d like to speak with a LiveO2 team member about how you can incorporate AC workouts into your training regimen, contact us here or click below to connect with us!

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